Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Goodmorning sunshine

cute quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

hello!! sorry it's been forever since I've posted...

Well i've been on vacation in Egypt. Surprising I know, but I did grow up here. I'm in Cairo the Largest city in Africa...which means?

City Lights!! so expect loads of posts on that :)

I'll write more about egypt and my life here another time...

Oh, by the way, Sprinkle of the Sprinkle Diary wrote a FANTASTIC post on Betsey Johnson since she is retiring *tear* But I love the post and you will be sure to check it out

Bye Bye Betsey

So I'll leave you with A little gift...

Boston Day Three (FINAL) next post!!



Rochelle Blue said...

you grew up in Egypt? wow =]! I was born in Africa haha but I didn't get to have a proper chance to grow up there =)
have a splendid time in Egypt! and I can't wait until Boston Day Three =]

Maddie M. said...

Aww I adore that video! & thank you SO MUCH for mentioning me! :)
Rosebud has been commenting on my blog :) She said you were friends? You call her cupcake? Anyway, since she doesnt have a blogger account I can't respond, but maybe let her know that I love her comments and thanks so much? Love ya!
xoxo sprinkle

Lonely Heart said...

Egypt? I'm jealous. I'm imagining all the grandeur right now: I cannot wait to see al the pictures and read about your trip. It must be so cool to be back there. How long did you live there?